Prayer for Holy Theophony

Prayer from the Great Blessing of the Waters at Theophany
O Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son, who art in the bosom of the Father, true God, source of life and immortality, Light of Light, who camest into the world to enlighten it, shine upon our understanding with Thy Holy Spirit and accept us who offer unto Thee glory and thanksgiving for all Thy great and wondrous works from all ages, and for Thy saving dispensation in these last times. For Thou hast clothed Thyself in our poor and infirm nature, and hast submitted Thyself to servitude, Thou who art King of all; and moreover Thou hast accepted to be baptized in the Jordan by the hand of a servant, that having sanctified the nature of the waters, O sinless Lord, Thou mightest lead us to a new birth through water and Spirit, and restore us again to our original freedom. Keeping feast in remembrance of this divine mystery, we entreat Thee, O Master who lovest mankind: sprinkle upon us, Thine unworthy servants, according to Thy divine promise, cleansing water, the gift of Thy compassion; grant that the petition of us sinners over this water may be acceptable unto Thy goodness, and that thereby Thy blessing may be granted, to us and to all Thy faithful people unto the glory of Thy holy and venerated Name. For unto Thee, belong all glory, honour, and worship together with Thine eternal Father, and Thine all-holy, good, and life-giving Spirit,now, and ever: world without end.